Monday, April 15, 2013

TVpad M121S model has been discontinued

TVpad M121S model has been discontinued

I just got the message that TVpad M121S model has been discontinued. You can't buy the TVpad M121S on the official site anymore. The only TVpad model you can buy now is TVpad2 (also known as TVpad M233). 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

New TVpad app: QQ video on demand app

New TVpad app: QQ video on demand app

A new app that can be found recently in the TVpad store is the QQ video on demand app. This app can be used to watch movies, TV-series and cartoons on demand. Besides movies, TV-series and cartoons, more video categories are available in this app. You can compare this app with the TVpad sohu app (搜狐视频) and the 影视谷 app.  See the QQ app icon below:

TVpad QQ video on demand app

New TVpad educational app in TVpad store

New TVpad educational app in TVpad store

A new TVpad can be found in the TVpad store. It has a lot of educational video's. For example, video's that teach you math/calculus (in English) can be found in this app.

TVpad educational app