Thursday, November 29, 2012

Quick update about tvpad firmware upgrade package to 3.26

I just have read the news, announced by the admin, that the release of the official upgrade package will be delayed again. The new release date of the firmware upgrade package to firmware version 3.26  is around December 7th (next week). Hopefully, the firmware upgrade package will not be delayed again. I will keep you updated. I am wondering whether there are any new changes in firmware version 3.26 compared to last firmware version 3.14.


  1. Hi Sorry maybe this isnt the place where I should put this but is there a reason why the HOTV app dont work anymore?

  2. I have read that they have ended the cooperation with the provider of the HOTV app. You still have the Solive app for Korean channels.

  3. Hi really sorry to post this here (could not see a place to open a new thread) brought tvpad m121s version. Was working fine for 1 day but now the small little user icon is not green. Internet connection is fine and test connection shows normal. Any ideas?

    1. You are getting the 'the user does not exist' message, right? I believe there were some problems with the authentication server, it should be fixed now. If you still see the 'the user does not exist' message, contact the customer service on the official site about your problem and include your MAC address of your device (this can be found beneath your device).


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